Hello everyone,
Just wanted to drop a quick update. I am currently editing the next episode of the Hearth of Hellenism podcast. Earlier this month I interview Maijastina Kahlos. Dr. Kahlos is a historian and classicist at the University of Helsinki in Finland.
I invited Dr. Kahlos on to discuss one of my favorite topics, Christianization in Late Antiquity. Maijastina is the author of several books on Late Antiquity. In the interview we primarily focused on her 2007 book, Debate and Dialogue; Christian and Pagan Cultures c.360-430. This book explores the construction of Christian identity in fourth and fifth centuries through inventing, fabricating and sharpening binary oppositions. Such oppositions, for example Christians – pagans; truth – falsehood; the one true god – the multitude of demons; the right religion – superstition, served to create and reinforce the Christian self-identity.
To learn more about my next guest you can visit her website below