First off, all of this would be very useful, educational and high quality for many people. Such a book is sorely missing on this subject.

So far, I have not been particularly impressed by the majority of books on polytheism, including the books published by Labrys or the YSEE.

I'd be very interested and curious to read your perspective on these subjects.

One thing that bugs me with most of these books, is that they are either misinformed, or they provide too little context appearing like "how-to" manuals, there are no mentions of cultural, theological and philosophical context, and I think you should include this, using your own judgment, of course.

I would also love to see in your explanation of the role of worship, discussing which things, regarding worship are ancient and which aspects are timeless, as I believe many readers have trouble understanding worship intuitively. The discussion between Porphyry and Iamblichus on this subject, for instance, is not particularly enlightening, as Iamblichus is primarily defending the Egyptian practices. Additionally the reconstructionist books are just rehearsing Burkert and whatever other archaeological information is available.

It would also be useful to have a section with some well-meaning discernment between common misconceptions about polytheism, esp. for Western cultures which are predominantly christian.

Best luck on your work, i am sure you will do great!

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Thank you for the comment. I am noting this.

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It all sounds exactly what i’ve wanted to see. I do have a thought, Im not sure if this makes sense or can be tied in somehow, but if you had a foreword or introduction on growing up greek and coming into this direction I would really appreciate it.

I grew up Greek Orthodox and being painfully queer since a young age, I left the church the second I hit 18. But then I realized my entire Greek community was wrapped in the church itself. Its been lonely now, and I want to connect to my roots and everything I grew up with but its been rare meeting other greeks and rarer to find other practitioners.

I’d like to see what emotions led you here and to feel like im part of my community again. I know that wont be the same tone as the rest of the book but i’d like to see that human and cultural element even if its just in an intro. Those are my thoughts at least

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I am most certainly going to write about my experience.

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I really like what the other two commenters had to say around this, especially around context and situating some of these practices--I've gotten a lot out of Labrys's Household Worship but do find it a bit thin in this regard. That said I'm very aware that I'm coming to this as an American who previously spent a lot of time in quasi-Wiccan circles, with all the baggage and assumptions that that implies. It's not your job to deal with that stuff of course, but as I extricate myself and my practice from all of that it makes me really aware of the gaps. And seconding caldonas's remarks on a lot of existing material--a danger I've seen in relying on research-based sources is they're not really intended to inform or situate present-day practices; I'm minded of Dr. Johnston's comments on this point in your interview with her, for instance.

I don't know how helpful this is as an answer to the question you asked, but I do like the outline that you posted and would be very interested in reading.

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Thank you for commenting.

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